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Bronchiectasis is an abnormal dilatation of one or more of the bronchi or airways. It is usually caused by an infection, but a patient can be born with this, as well. Treatment includes antibiotic therapy, if caused by infection, but at some point surgery may be recommended.

Signs and Symptoms:

  • Cough
  • Shortness of breath
  • Frequent bronchitis or lung infection
  • Sharp chest pain

Surgical interventions that may be offered include:

  • Segmentectomy

    One or more segments of the lung are removed. This may be an option for patients who have certain kinds of low grade cancers, metastases, or who have inadequate lung function and are not candidates for a lobectomy.
  • Lobectomy

    This is the standard operation for surgical treatment of lung cancer and involves removing an entire lobe of the lung. Other indications for lobectomy include tuberculosis, chronic lung abscess, bronchiectasis, benign tumors, fungal infection, and congenital anomalies.